How to Pay Your Bill

  • Your payment options are to (1) use our online payment system or (2) to pay with a check. See below for more information about the payment options.
  • Before you can pay your bill, the bookkeeper, Jim Lawrie, must create an account for you in our billing system (QuickBooks) and you must receive an invoice. Except when you first join SNM, typically, you’ll receive an invoice by email on the first day of the month (once a month for a monthly billing cycle, every three months for a quarterly billing cycle and every twelve months for an annual billing cycle).
  • To minimize expenses, we do not accept credit card payments. However, we have an online payment option. You will receive an email message with an invoice attached. Open the attachment and you will see a button labeled “Review and Pay.” When you select the button, your browser will open a dialogue box requesting your bank’s routing number and your bank account number. If you already use an Intuit product (Quicken, TurboTax or QuickBooks) you have an Intuit account or if you create an account, then you can ask Intuit to remember your banking information and you only have to enter it once. There is no cost to you to use our online payment system.
  • You can also pay by check. If you choose to pay by check, please mail to: Sierra Nevada Masters, c/o Jim Lawrie, 1458 Popinjay Dr., Reno, NV, 89509. It is very important to include “c/o Jim Lawrie” in the address. Otherwise, the Post Office may not deliver your payment. Please DO NOT give your check to one of the coaches.
  • DO NOT PAY WITH CASH! Do not give cash to a coach.
  • If your billing is based on a 10-workout pass, you will receive an invoice near the beginning of the month after you’ve attended 10 or more workouts. The coaches keep track of your attendance. At the end of each month, the attendance sheets are scanned and emailed to the bookkeeper. If during the month your attendance equals or exceeds ten workouts since you purchased a 10-workout pass, you will received an invoice for a new 10-workout pass.
  • Sierra Nevada Masters attempts to operate on a break-even basis. Your dues cover coaches salaries, payment to the City of Reno for use of the pools and a small administrative overhead that includes insurance, website hosting, software for the website and billing, etc. When you workout with SNM, you do not pay the City of Reno for use of the pools. However, if you use a City pool during open lap swim, you must pay a fee to the City.