Join SNM

Pre-join Checklist

  • Can you swim one length of a 25 yard pool?
  • Do workout times fit with your schedule?
  • Does the cost fit in your budget?

Why join SNM

  • I’m interested in swimming primarily for fitness. That’s why most people join SNM.
  • I’m interested in triathlon, open water competition or US Masters pool competition. You’re in the right place! Many of our swimmers are triathletes. SNM sponsors the annual Donner Lake Swim and some of our swimmers regularly compete in open water competition. We have quite a few national champions in pool competition.
  • You’llbe swimming with other motivated people of all levels of ability who have fun at our workouts.
  • We have a coach at every workout. Our coaches are always willing to give you personal attention.
  • If you’re still not convinced or even if you are, take advantage of our FREE TRYOUT.

Steps to Join SNM

  1. If you want to workout with SNM, you MUST be registered with U.S. Masters Swimming. If you’re not sure about joining SNM, but want to take advantage of our 2-workout free trial, you can sign up for a trial membership: Try Masters Swimming at U.S. Masters Swimming. Learn more about the Try Masters Swimming program.
  2. When you’re ready to join SNM, please complete the Sierra Nevada Masters new member registration form (fillable PDF) and send it by email to Jim Lawrie. If you prefer, you can complete our online new member registration form. Be sure to indicate how you want to be billed. Billing options are described on the registration form and below.
  3. Because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and requirements of the City of Reno, you must sign a COVID waiver form. After typing your name on the form, please bring it to the pool and ask the coach to witness your signature. The coach will transmit the signed waiver to Jim Lawrie. Please read the City of Reno COVID safety rules. Failure to follows the rules affects all of us. Three or more violations by individuals on a single day will result in suspension of workout for the entire team on the following scheduled day. Two or more one-day violations in a 7-day period will result in suspension for the following 7-day period.

Things you may want to bring to workouts

  1. Goggles
  2. Fins
  3. Pull buoy
  4. Hand paddles
  5. Kickboards are provided at the pool. Some people bring their own.
  6. See our equipment list if don’t have some of these items and want to learn more about them.

Sierra Nevada Masters Fees

Sierra Nevada Masters attempts to operate on a break-even basis. Your dues cover coaches salaries, payment to the City of Reno for use of the pools and a small administrative overhead that includes insurance, website hosting, software for the website and billing, etc. When you workout with SNM, you do not pay the City of Reno for use of the pools. However, if you use a City pool during open lap swim, you must pay a fee to the City.

We have an online payment system managed by Intuit, the maker of QuickBooks, the software we use for billing. We have an online payment option.  You will receive an email message with an invoice attached. Open the attachment and you will see a button labeled “Review and Pay.” When you select the button, your browser will open a dialogue box requesting your bank’s routing number and your bank account number. If you already use an Intuit product (Quicken, TurboTax or QuickBooks) you have an Intuit account or if you create an account, then you can ask Intuit to remember your banking information and you only have to enter it once. There is no cost to you to use our online payment system. We do not accept credit card payment because of the cost of doing so.

Monthly Dues


Monthly dues can start at any time (the first month may be prorated).

Quarter (every 3 months) Dues


Quarterly dues can start at any time (the first month may be prorated) .

Annual Dues


Annual dues can start at any time (the first month may be prorated).

Full Time College Student Dues


Generally, we don’t require proof of student status. Most students elect to be billed monthly but we can bill at the monthly rate on any schedule that works for you (every 3 months, every 6 months, etc.). You can start anytime (the first month may be prorated).

10-Workout Pass


The 10-workout pass is designed for people who have a variable work schedule such that they can’t attend enough workouts to make one of the other billing options financially attractive. A 10-workout pass never expires. You are billed for a new pass that the beginning of the month after you’ve attended at least 10-workouts (no need to renew in the middle of the month). The coaches take attendance and send the information to the bookkeeper at the beginning of the month.

Cancel Your SNM Membership

We hate to see you go but understand that there can be a variety of reasons why you may no longer be able to swim with us. If you need to cancel, please email Jim Lawrie.